For those eagle-eyed and curious followers who are wondering why and how exactly our logo has changed, we’d love to tell you the story behind it!
First, the ‘how’. The colour of the Barfia crown and text is now consistent, and more vibrant. However, the most significant change is the addition of ‘ESTd’ and ‘2013’
The ‘London’ label underneath Barfia in our logo is a key part of our history. London is where Barfia was first established and it’s key to where we still derive many of our recipe inspirations.
However, as we’ve grown across the UK it has caused some confusion:
Is Barfia just in London?
Shouldn’t the branch in Wolves be called ‘Barfia Wolverhampton’?
Should we have a different logo for each and every store?
The list goes on…..
We discussed and designed several new logos and then finally settled on one that just felt right and really represented our brand:

The ‘ESTd London 2013’ tells customers exactly where we come from, even though that may not be the store that they’re currently in.
And there’s symbolic depth to the 2013. When a company adds their established date to their logo, the date’s typically before 2000.
So why did we do it?
First off – we’re different. We don’t do what everyone else does and that uniqueness follows through in our products and the experiences we provide for our customers.
In addition, Barfia sweets are a fusion of traditional eastern and more modern western flavours. 2013 is the first time any company combined the two to create a modern range of mithai (Indian sweets).
Barfia is here to stay but the pivotal year of 2013 and our London origins will always be a key part of our future.
What do you think of the change? Feel free to leave a comment below.
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